Operation Help and Hope

Operation Help and Hope News for April 2024

“That seasons of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord" Acts 3:20

Operation Help/Hope has a new opportunity to serve our community. We are partnering with Raine Boutique to minister to foster girls that have aged out of children's services. We are able to share three large mirrors from our Pampering & Prayers ministry, framed art and be a contact for formals. This weekend helping with Free Prom Dress Give Away at Marble Springs church.

Our Sister/Friends in FL and Ok financially support OHH : AHS chorus girl DR by paying her graduation dues. Sent salvation bracelets to our AMS I Spy team. Ms. Dolly supports the ministry faithfully. We continue our AMS  I Spy A Star ministry-monthly.

Middle school girls met this month preparing for our Spring Tea in April. They are refreshing in their attitude and serving with gladness.

Jennifer Postell packed our Kid's Food Bag Ministry Easter bags, telling the real meaning -Our Lord's Resurrection! We continue to be in attitude of thanksgiving for our packers, sister churches and financial sponsors and our site.

Thank you appreciation messages received from AES and AMS principals for Operation Help/Hope Ministry.

Our last Manna coordinator Becka Hankley has decided to stay home with her new baby-which is a good thing. Manna awaits filling this position.

Thankful for AFBC support. May we be refreshed after being in the presence of the Lord.




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