
WMU News for April 2024

April showers bring more than May flowers. Consider the new life we see all around us-flowers blooming, trees once bare now are putting forth new leaves. New life everywhere and not to be forgotten is the new life found in our Risen Savior. Easter symbolizes new beginnings-new life. The tragedy of Good Friday resulted in the victory of Easter Sunday which we just celebrated.

April is also the month we collect for the Broyhill Children’s Home with the Food Roundup promotion. A list of needed items will be on tables outside the sanctuary and a large tote will be there for your food items. Our church has responded well throughout the years we have been collecting this ministry. Let’s make this year the best ever with our food donations.

Our WMU April meeting will be April 17th at 4:30 pm here at the church. We will have a guest speaker, Gracy Thankachen, from India, speaking to us. All ladies, whether in WMU or not, are invited to attend.

Our first game night is Friday, April 19th at 6:00 pm in fellowship Hall. Winter is finally over (I think), and it’s time to get our gaming skills up and running again. Did I mention food? Ah yes, always something to munch on while planning your gaming strategies. Everyone who likes to play Dominos, card games, etc. is invited.

May 14th is our annual Associational WMU meeting. This will be hosted by Peachtree Baptist Church with meal provided by Truett Baptist Association. Each church is asked to bring a dessert. Also, each church is asked to decorate a table in the “beach” motif. I’m mentioning this in April because I will need help with the table decoration and dessert. We are asked to register the number coming by May 7th.  So, I will have a sign-up sheet available by April 7th and hope you will consider coming to this event.

Spring is here and we at Andrews First are ready to spring into action! Lots to do so let’s be a part of the work!!



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